Historic Preservation Organizations
Index By Type
Table of Contents.
- U.S Government Organizations
- National and Regional Organizations
- State Historic Preservation Offices
- Local and State Organizations
U.S Government Organizations.
Resource No. 187
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation is an independent Federal agency that promotes the preservation, enhancement, and productive use of our Nation's historic resources and advises the President and Congress on national historic preservation policy.phone 202-517-0200
email achp@achp.gov
visit www.achp.gov
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
Resource No. 195
National Register of Historic Places
The National Register of Historic Places is the Nation's official list of cultural resources worthy of preservation. Authorized under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the National Register is part of a national program to coordinate and support public and private efforts to identify, evaluate, and protect our historic and archeological resources. Properties listed in the Register include districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects that are significant in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering, and culture. The National Register is administered by the National Park Service, which is part of the U.S. Department of the Interior.phone 202-354-2211
email nr_reference@nps.gov
visit www.cr.nps.gov/nr
National Register of Historic Places
Resource No. 186
National Trust for Historic Preservation
The National Trust for Historic Preservation provides leadership, education and advocacy to save America's diverse historic places and revitalize our communities. Chartered by Congress in 1949, this is a nonprofit organization with 200,000 members. The site features exciting historic travel destinations, old house fix-up tips, news, shopping ideas, and much more.phone 202-588-6000 or 800-944-6847
email info@savingplaces.org
visit savingplaces.org
National Trust for Historic Preservation
National and Regional Organizations.
Resource No. 189
Heritage Preservation
For over a quarter century, Heritage Preservation has been working to ensure the preservation of America's collections for present and future generations. We are the nation's leading nonprofit advocate for the proper care of all our cultural heritage: works of art, books and archives, documents and photographs, architecture, monuments, natural science specimens, and family heirlooms.phone 202-233-0800
Heritage Preservation
Resource No. 192
Historic New England
Historic New England is a 100 year old preservation organization preserving New England history, artifacts, homes, landscapes and stories.phone 617-227-3956
Historic New England
Resource No. 1124
The most comprehensive database of funding sources available for historic preservation and restoration, cultural resource management, and the arts.visit HistoricFunding.com
Resource No. 188
History Channel's Save Our History Initiative
® created the Save Our History initiative to support local history education and historic preservation in communities across the country. The initiative includes the Save Our History Grant Program which funds partnerships between local history organizations and schools on community preservation projects, free educational resources for elementary, middle, and high school teachers interested in making local history and preservation a component of their curriculum, and cash prizes and scholarships for teachers and students who demonstrate an exceptional commitment to local history education and preservation.History Channel's Save Our History Initiative
Resource No. 193
National Alliance of Preservation Commissions
The NAPC is the only organization devoted solely to representing the nation's preservation design review commissions. NAPC provides technical support and manages an information network to help local commissions accomplishing their preservation objectives. The Alliance also serves as an advocate at federal, state and local levels of government to promote policies and programs that support preservation commission efforts.phone 757-802-4141
email director@napcommissions.org
visit www.uga.edu/napc
National Alliance of Preservation Commissions
Resource No. 196
Preservation Trades Network
PTN was conceived in 1995 at an Association for Preservation Technology (APT) conference roundtable strategy session in Washington, DC. At the time, representatives of the preservation trades felt it important for the preservation trades to be recognized as a valued member of preservation project teams. To do this, the preservation trades took action to build a community of like-minded individuals who share knowledge of the process of historic preservation as it occurs in the field. PTN was formed to provide a focus on and support of the sharing of the preservation trade's knowledge of the physical process of preservation, of how to shape and work historic materials. From this beginning PTN became a Task Force of APT.phone 866-853-9335
email info@ptn.org
visit www.ptn.org
Preservation Trades Network
Resource No. 197
Preserve and Protect
A not-for-profit corporation providing space on the World Wide Web for Historic Preservation and Environmental Protection Organizations.email webmaster@preserve.org
visit www.preserve.org
Preserve and Protect
Resource No. 199
reserveNet is designed to provide preservationists with a comprehensive database of regularly updated internet resources and current professional opportunities. Established in 1994 by Cornell University's Michael Tomlan and Bob Pick, PreserveNet was the result of a collaborative effort by preservation students of various universities interested in providing preservation information in what was then a new and exciting arena, the internet. Updated and expanded in 2001, PreserveNet continues to utilize the many internet resources of various preservation organizations and maintains a current listing of professional and educational opportunities.email preservenet@cornell.edu
Resource No. 200
Society for Historic American Homes
America's old houses are national treasures. Unique and imperiled, they tell the story of the America's past and deserve to be preserved for her future. We founded the Society for Historic American Homes in 2011 to work to inspire America to own historic homes, as well as provide historic homeowners with the tools and knowledge for sound stewardship. It's also critical to support the trades - those preservation experts who care as much about historic homes as we do!phone 703-850-4138
Society for Historic American Homes
Resource No. 201
Traditional Building Skills Institute
The Traditional Building Skills Institute offers workshops to architects, builders, contractors, trades people, students, educators and homeowners to further the art of traditional building skills for the purpose of restoring and preserving historic properties. A one-year course of study leads to a certificate in historic preservation and restoration technology; a two-year course to an Associate of Applied Science or an Associate of Science in Building Construction and Construction Management.phone 800-848-3399 or 435-283-7159
Traditional Building Skills Institute
Resource No. 202
The Victorian Society In America
The Victorian Society In America is the only national non-profit organization committed to historic preservation, protection, understanding, education, and enjoyment of our nineteenth century heritage.phone 215-636-9872
email info@victoriansociety.org
visit www.victoriansociety.org
The Victorian Society In America
State Historic Preservation Offices.
These are the official state-level agencies established as a result of The National Historic Preservation Act, passed in 1966 by the US Congress.
These agencies, often referred to as 'SHPOs', manage nominations to the National Register of Historic Places. Typically they also manage state-level grants and other incentive programs related to old houses.
Resource No. 203
Alabama Historic Commission
Montgomery, Alabama
phone 334-242-3184
email john.powell@preserveala.org
visit preserveala.org
Alabama Historic Commission
Resource No. 204
Division of Parks, Office of History and Archeology
Anchorage, Alaska
phone 907-269-8400
Division of Parks, Office of History and Archeology
American Samoa
Resource No. 1018
American Samoa Historic Preservation Office
American Samoa
email tavita22@mac.com
visit www.ashpo.org
American Samoa Historic Preservation Office
Resource No. 205
Arizona State Parks
Phoenix, Arizona
phone 602-258-1920
email info@azpreservation.org
visit azpreservation.org
Arizona State Parks
Resource No. 206
Arkansas Historic Preservation Program
Little Rock, Arkansas
phone 501-324-9880
Arkansas Historic Preservation Program
Resource No. 209
Office of Historic Preservation - Department Of Parks and Recreation- CA
Sacramento, California
phone 916-445-7000
email calshpo.ohp@parks.ca.gov
visit ohp.parks.ca.gov
Office of Historic Preservation - Department Of Parks and Recreation- CA
Resource No. 212
History Colorado
Denver, Colorado
phone 303-447-8679
email oahp@state.co.us
visit www.historycolorado.org
History Colorado
Resource No. 213
Connecticut Historical Commission
Hartford, Connecticut
phone 860-256-2800
email Leigh.Johnson@ct.gov
Connecticut Historical Commission
Resource No. 215
Delaware State Historic Preservation Office
Delaware State Historic Preservation Office
Dist. of Col.
Resource No. 216
State Historic Preservation Office
East, Washington, Dist. of Col.
phone 202-442-7600
email planning@dc.gov
State Historic Preservation Office
Resource No. 217
Florida Historical Commission
Tallahassee, Florida
phone 850.245.6500
Florida Historical Commission
Resource No. 219
State Historic Preservation Office - Historic Preservation Division
Stockbridge, Georgia
phone 770-389-7844
email kim.feagler@dnr.ga.gov
visit georgiashpo.org
State Historic Preservation Office - Historic Preservation Division
Resource No. 913
Hawaii State Historic Preservation Office
Kapolei, Hawaii
The State Historic Preservation Division of DLNR works to preserve and sustain reminders of earlier times which link the past to the present. SHPD’s three branches, History and Culture, Archaeology, and Architecture, strive to accomplish this goal through a number of different activities.phone 808-692-8015
visit dlnr.hawaii.gov/shpd
Hawaii State Historic Preservation Office
Resource No. 1019
Idaho State Historic Preservation Office
Boise, Idaho
phone (208) 334-3861
Idaho State Historic Preservation Office
Resource No. 223
Illinois Historic Preservation Agency
Springfield, Illinois
phone 217-785-7930
email HPA.info@illinois.gov
visit www.state.il.us/hpa
Illinois Historic Preservation Agency
Resource No. 914
Indiana State Preservation Office
phone 317-232-1646
Indiana State Preservation Office
Resource No. 227
State Historical Society of Iowa
Des Moines, Iowa
phone 515-281-6200
visit www.iowahistory.org
State Historical Society of Iowa
Resource No. 229
Kansas State Historical Society
Topeka, Kansas
phone 785-272-8681
email information@kshs.org
visit www.kshs.org
Kansas State Historical Society
Resource No. 400
Kentucky Heritage Council
For more than 40 years, the Kentucky Heritage Council / State Historic Preservation Office has been assisting individuals, communities and local governments with making historic preservation an important component of comprehensive community planning and economic development.phone 502-564-7005
visit heritage.ky.gov
Kentucky Heritage Council
Resource No. 405
Louisiana State Parks and Historical Sites
phone 225-342-8111 or 888-677-1400
email parks@crt.la.gov
Louisiana State Parks and Historical Sites
Resource No. 406
Maine Historic Preservation Commission
Augusta, Maine
phone 207-287-2132
email Kirk.Mohney@maine.gov
visit www.state.me.us/mhpc
Maine Historic Preservation Commission
Marshall Islands
Resource No. 1020
Marshall Islands Historic Preservation Office
Majuro, Marshall Islands
To identify, protect, preserve, and promote the cultural, historic, and prehistoric resources of the Republic of the Marshall Islandsphone (692) 625-4476
email contact@rmihpo.com
visit www.rmihpo.com
Marshall Islands Historic Preservation Office
Resource No. 410
Preservation Maryland
Baltimore, Maryland
Preservation Maryland is dedicated to preserving Maryland's historic buildings, neighborhoods, landscapes and archaeological sites through education, outreach, and advocacy.phone 410-685-2886
email info@presmd.org
Preservation Maryland
Resource No. 412
Massachusetts Historical Commission
Boston, Massachusetts
The continuing presence of historic properties in Massachusetts immeasurably enhances the quality of our lives; they help to establish our sense of place and to define the very character of our communities.phone 617-727-8470
email mhc@sec.state.ma.us
visit www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc
Massachusetts Historical Commission
Resource No. 1021
Michigan State Historic Preservation Office
To identify, protect, preserve, and promote the cultural, historic, and prehistoric resources of the Republic of the Marshall Islandsphone 517-373-1630
Michigan State Historic Preservation Office
Resource No. 414
Minnesota Historical Society
St. Paul , Minnesota
The Minnesota Historical Society preserves Minnesota's past, shares our state's stories and connects people with history in meaningful ways, for today and for tomorrow. Because history matters!phone 800-657-3773 or 651-259-3000
email webmaster@mnhs.org
visit www.mnhs.org
Minnesota Historical Society
Resource No. 416
Mississippi Department of Archives and History
A comprehensive historical agency, the department collects, preserves, and provides access to the archival resources of the state, administers museums and historic sites, and oversees statewide programs for historic preservation, government records management, and publications.phone 601-576-6850
email info@mdah.state.ms.us
visit www.mdah.state.ms.us
Mississippi Department of Archives and History
Resource No. 417
Missouri State Historic Preservation Office
Jefferson City, Missouri
phone 800-361-4827 or 573-751-7858
Missouri State Historic Preservation Office
Resource No. 419
Montana Historical Society
Helena, Montana
The Montana Historical Society is the guardian of Montana's memory. Established in 1865, the oldest institution of its kind in the West, the MHS's vast historic collections of artifacts, photographs, and documents are exhibited in six extraordinary galleries. In 1969, we became the official state Archives and the repository for state agency records of permanent value.phone 406-444-2694
visit mhs.mt.gov
Montana Historical Society
Resource No. 420
Nebraska State Historical Society
Lincoln, Nebraska
"The Nebraska State Historical Society collects, preserves, and opens to all, the histories we share."phone 402-471-3270
email nshs.web@nebraska.gov
visit www.nebraskahistory.org
Nebraska State Historical Society
Resource No. 421
Nevada State Historic Preservation Office
Carson City, Nevada
The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) encourages the preservation, documentation, and use of cultural resources through state and federal programs. The agency works to educate the public about the importance of our cultural heritage so that Nevada’s historic and archaeological properties are preserved, interpreted, and reused for their economic, educational, and intrinsic values and for future generations to appreciate.phone 775-684-3448
email shpo-info@shpo.nv.gov
visit nvshpo.org
Nevada State Historic Preservation Office
New Hampshire
Resource No. 423
New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources
Concord, New Hampshire
phone 603-271-3483
email preservation@dcr.nh.gov
New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources
New Jersey
Resource No. 425
New Jersey Historic Preservation Office
New Jersey
phone 866-337-5669
New Jersey Historic Preservation Office
New Mexico
Resource No. 427
New Mexico Historic Preservation Division
Santa Fe, New Mexico
phone 505-827-6320
New Mexico Historic Preservation Division
New York
Resource No. 428
New York State Parks Historic Preservation Division
Waterford, New York
phone 518-474-0456
visit nysparks.com/shpo
New York State Parks Historic Preservation Division
North Carolina
Resource No. 430
North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office
Raleigh, North Carolina
phone 919-807-6570
email ramona.bartos@ncdcr.gov
North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office
North Dakota
Resource No. 440
State Historical Society of North Dakota
Bismarck, North Dakota
phone 701.328.2666
email histsoc@nd.gov
visit www.state.nd.us/hist
State Historical Society of North Dakota
Resource No. 441
Ohio Historic Preservation Office
Columbus, Ohio
phone 614-297-2300 or 800-686-6124
visit www.ohiohistory.org
Ohio Historic Preservation Office
Resource No. 443
Oklahoma Historical Society
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
phone 405-522-0765
email okhc@okhistory.org
visit www.okhistory.org
Oklahoma Historical Society
Resource No. 445
Oregon Heritage Conservation
Salem, Oregon
phone 503-986-0690
email Heritage.Programs@oregon.gov
visit www.oregon.gov
Oregon Heritage Conservation
Resource No. 447
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
phone 717-783-8946
visit www.phmc.state.pa.us
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
Puerto Rico
Resource No. 1022
Puerto Rico State Historic Preservation Office
San Juan, Puerto Rico
phone 787-721-3737
visit www.oech.pr.gov
Puerto Rico State Historic Preservation Office
Rhode Island
Resource No. 915
Rhode Island Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission
Providence,, Rhode Island
phone 401-222-2678
visit www.preservation.ri.gov
Rhode Island Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission
South Carolina
Resource No. 451
South Carolina Department of Archives and History
Columbia, South Carolina
phone 803-896-6196 or 866-340-7105
visit shpo.sc.gov
South Carolina Department of Archives and History
South Dakota
South Dakota SHPO
Resource No. 454
Association for the Preservation of Tennessee Antiquities
The Association for the Preservation of Tennessee Antiquities (APTA) is the oldest statewide nonprofit historic preservation organization in the State of Tennessee and is the fourth oldest in the nation. The APTA has maintained and preserved over 20 historic sites since it was founded in 1951. The APTA mission is to promote and encourage active participation in the preservation of Tennessee’s rich historic, cultural, architectural and archeological heritage through restoration, education, advocacy and statewide cooperation. The APTA has 14 chapters across the state of Tennessee that are actively working to maintain and preserve 16 historic sites and that act as advocates for historic preservation in their cities and counties. We understand the importance of heritage tourism and education and their impact on Tennessee’s economy and future.phone 615-708-4716
email info@theapta.org
visit www.theapta.org
Association for the Preservation of Tennessee Antiquities
Resource No. 459
Preservation Texas
Austin, Texas
We are the only Texas statewide non-profit preservation organization, a partner of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.phone 512-472-0102
Preservation Texas
Resource No. 460
Utah Heritage Foundation
Salt Lake City, Utah
Established in 1966, Utah Heritage Foundation was the first statewide preservation organization in the western United States. Utah Heritage Foundation reaches communities throughout the state through a wide range of programs and activities.phone 801-533-0858
Utah Heritage Foundation
Resource No. 917
Agency of Commerce & Community Development
phone 802-828-3211
visit accd.vermont.gov
Agency of Commerce & Community Development
Resource No. 1017
Virginia Department of Historic Resources
Richmond, Virginia
Our mission is to foster, encourage, and support the stewardship of Virginia's significant historic architectural, archaeological, and cultural resources.phone (804) 482-6446
visit www.dhr.virginia.gov
Virginia Department of Historic Resources
West Virginia
Resource No. 468
West Virginia Division of Culture and History
Charleston, West Virginia
The mission of the West Virginia Division of Culture and History is to identify, preserve, protect, promote and present the ideas, arts and artifacts of West Virginia’s heritage, building pride in our past accomplishments and confidence in our future.phone 304-558-0230
visit www.wvculture.org
West Virginia Division of Culture and History
Resource No. 472
Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office
Cheyenne, Wyoming
The Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office documents, preserves and promotes Wyoming’s heritage with our preservation partners.phone 307-777-7697
visit wyoshpo.state.wy.us
Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office
Local and State Organizations.
Resource No. 208
Alameda Architectural Preservation Society
Alameda, California
The AAPS is dedicated to preserving the architectural history in the city of Alameda, California.phone 510-479-6489
Alameda Architectural Preservation Society
Resource No. 210
The Old Escondido Historic District
Escondido, California
From tiny bungalows to magnificent Victorian homes, the Old Escondido Historic District contains the majority of Escondido's historic resources. It is a wonderful place to walk or tour by car.phone 760-291-7206 or 760-735-8072
email information@oldescondido.org
visit www.oldescondido.com
The Old Escondido Historic District
Resource No. 211
Save Our Heritage
San Diego, California
Save Our Heritage Organization, SOHO, is a private, member-based 501c3 non-profit organization, formed in 1969 to save a single home, the 1887 Sherman Gilbert House. This small group of concerned citizens has become the third largest group of its kind in California, with thousands of members and subscribers, hundreds of volunteers, and an administrative, museum and retail staff of over 30. SOHO is based in Old Town San Diego, the birthplace of California. We manage and operate historic sites and resources throughout San Diego County. We are the only countywide historic preservation organization, in a county that encompasses 18 incorporated cities and numerous neighborhoods and communities. SOHO works on a wide range of preservation issues throughout San Diego County. All our advocacy efforts share a common goal: to protect and preserve the historic architectural and cultural resources of our regionphone 619-297-9327
visit www.sohosandiego.org
Save Our Heritage
Resource No. 214
Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation
Hamden, Connecticut
The Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation is nonprofit statewide membership organization established in 1975. Working with local preservation groups and individuals as well as with statewide organizations, it encourages, advocates and facilitates historic preservation throughout Connecticut.phone 203-562-6312
email contact@cttrust.org
visit www.cttrust.org
Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation
Resource No. 218
Riverside Avondale Preservation
Jacksonville, Florida
Riverside Avondale Preservation Inc. (RAP) is a private, non-profit membership organization whose mission is to enhance and preserve the architecture, history, cultural heritage and economic viability of the historic neighborhoods of Riverside and Avondale in Jacksonville, FL. RAP encourages community participation, promotes preservation education, and sponsors events that highlight the history, architecture and cultural vibrancy of the district.phone 904-389-2449
Riverside Avondale Preservation
Resource No. 220
The Georgia Trust
Atlanta, Georgia
The Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation promotes an appreciation of Georgia's diverse historic resources and provides for their protection and use to reclaim, restore and revitalize the state's historic places and communities.phone 404-881-9980
visit www.georgiatrust.org
The Georgia Trust
Resource No. 221
Department Of Land and Natural Resources
Honolulu, Hawaii
phone 808-587-0400
email dlnr@hawaii.gov
visit hawaii.gov/dlnr
Department Of Land and Natural Resources
Idaho State Historical Society
Resource No. 225
Historic Chicago Bungalow Association
Chicago, Illinois
The Historic Chicago Bungalow Association and the City of Chicago provides the resources necessary to ensure that the city's approximately 80,000 Chicago bungalows remain a housing choice for families through the Historic Chicago Bungalow Initiative.phone 312-675-0300
email bungalow@chicagobungalow.org
visit www.chicagobungalow.org
Historic Chicago Bungalow Association
Resource No. 224
Landmarks Illinois
Chicago, Illinois
phone 312-922-1742
email ButterfieldF@lpci.org
visit www.landmarks.org
Landmarks Illinois
Resource No. 226
Quincy Preserves
Quincy, Illinois
The mission of Quincy Preserves, Inc., is to foster awareness of and to promote appreciation of the historic architecture of Quincy, Illinois, and Adams County and to encourage active membership involvement in the recognizing, protecting, maintaining, and displaying of these structures.email info@quincypreserves.org
visit www.quincypreserves.org
Quincy Preserves
Resource No. 231
Lawrence Preservation Alliance
Lawrence, Kansas
The mission of Lawrence Preservation Alliance is to preserve historically significant buildings and natural environments, and to educate the community about the benefits of historic preservation.visit awrencepreservation.org
Lawrence Preservation Alliance
Resource No. 228
Kansas Preservation Alliance, Inc.
Topeka, Kansas
The Kansas Preservation Alliance is the state-wide not-for-profit advocacy organization for historic preservation. KPA is dedicated to supporting the preservation of Kansas' heritage through education, advocacy, cooperating with like-minded individuals or groups, and participation of historic structures and places.email info@kpalliance.org
visit www.kpalliance.org
Kansas Preservation Alliance, Inc.
Resource No. 191
Historic Homes Foundation, Inc.
Louisville, Kentucky
A non-profit corporation chartered in 1957 for the purpose of purchasing, preserving and displaying historic buildings and their collections, as well as for furthering the advancement of education, culture and the arts in Kentucky. Three historic houses: Farmington, the Thomas Edison House and Whitehall, are presently owned and managed by the Foundation.phone 502-899-5079
visit www.historichomes.org
Historic Homes Foundation, Inc.
Resource No. 402
Kentucky Trust for Historic Preservation
Louisville, Kentucky
An independent, non-profit 501(c) (3), bricks and mortar organization, which uses hands-on approaches to save Kentucky's endangered buildings and sites.phone 502.320.9735
email Eric@TheKentuckyTrust.org
visit www.thekentuckytrust.org
Kentucky Trust for Historic Preservation
Resource No. 401
Old Louisville Guide
Louisville, Kentucky
Old Louisville National Historic Preservation District America's Victorian Treasure. The Old Louisville Guide has everything about historic preservation in Louisville, Kentucky. Complete with events, museum info, library info, walking tour schedules, and historic property features, this site is a must see.phone 502-636-3091
email olnc@bellsouth.net
visit www.oldlouisville.com
Old Louisville Guide
Resource No. 404
Foundation for Historical Louisiana
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
FHL mission is to preserve the architectural and cultural heritage of Louisiana. Headquarters is located in the 1930 Old Governor's Mansion, listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is a replica of the White House, built by Governor Huey P. Long. Besides being a historic house museum, it is a venue for special public and private events.phone 225-387-2464
visit www.fhl.org
Foundation for Historical Louisiana
Resource No. 408
Greater Portland Landmarks, Inc.
Portland, Maine
Greater Portland Landmarks promotes preservation and revitalization of historic buildings, neighborhoods, and landscapes and encourages high-quality new architecture to enhance the livability and economic vitality of Portland and surrounding communities. We house the Frances Peabody Research Library, and we restored and run the Portland Observatory Museum, a National Historic Landmark and the last remaining maritime signal tower in the country (1807).phone 207-774-5561
email info@portlandlandmarks.org
visit portlandlandmarks.org
Greater Portland Landmarks, Inc.
Resource No. 407
Maine Preservation
Yarmouth, Maine
Maine Preservation is the statewide, non-profit preservation organization (1972) for Maine. Staff of four; includes seed grant program, revolving fund, and preservation easements program.phone 207-847-3577
visit mainepreservation.org
Maine Preservation
Resource No. 409
Maryland Historical Trust
Crownsville, Maryland
Preserving and interpreting the legacy of Maryland’s past.phone 410-514-7600
visit mht.maryland.gov
Maryland Historical Trust
Resource No. 411
Peerless Rockville
Rockville, Maryland
Peerless Rockville is an award-winning nonprofit, community-based organization founded in 1974 to preserve buildings, objects and information important to Rockville's heritage. Peerless Rockville advances its goals through education, example, advocacy, and community involvement.phone 301-762-0096
Peerless Rockville
Michigan Historical Center
Resource No. 415
Preservation Specialists Directory
The Preservation Specialists Directory is an online searchable database of contractors, suppliers and other preservation- and history-related specialists who work in Minnesota.Preservation Specialists Directory
Resource No. 230
Kansas City Bungalow Club
Kansas City, Missouri
The Kansas City Bungalow Club is an advocacy, educational and social organization dedicated to promoting the restoration and preservation of all types of bungalows in the Kansas City area.phone 816-363-0349
email bentleyinkc@yahoo.com
Kansas City Bungalow Club
Resource No. 418
St. Joseph Preservation, Inc.
St. Joseph, Missouri
phone 816-271-4827
St. Joseph Preservation, Inc.
Resource No. 422
Nevada Preservation Foundation
Las Vegas, Nevada
The Nevada Preservation Foundation promotes the appreciation and preservation of our architectural heritage through community outreach, educational programming and historic designation assistance.phone 702-530-9707
Nevada Preservation Foundation
New Jersey
Resource No. 374
Alloway History/Community News & Events Sharing Group
New Jersey
Dedicated to preserving the historical past of Alloway.Alloway History/Community News & Events Sharing Group
Resource No. 424
Historical Society of Princeton
Princeton, New Jersey
The mission of the Historical Society of Princeton is to collect and preserve materials pertaining to the town and its environs, and to interpret the history of the area through exhibitions, educational programs, and publications. Since its founding in 1938, the Historical Society has amassed, recorded, and exhibited a collection of over 40,000 artifacts, manuscripts, photographs, decorative arts objects, artworks, and articles of clothing dating from the 17th century to the present, and has offered a broad range of educational services and activities to local residents, students, scholars, and visitors from around the world. The HSP maintains two historic sites, Bainbridge House and the Updike Farmstead.phone 609.921.6748
visit princetonhistory.org
Historical Society of Princeton
Resource No. 426
Bergen County Historical Society
River Edge, New Jersey
The Bergen County Historical Society, was founded in 1902 to develop public appreciation for Bergen County's remarkable history, especially through the preservation and study of its material culture. We are the only historical association to focus on the Bergen County, NJ as a whole, from its prehistory to the present day. The Steuben House, Campbell-Christie House and Demarest House are landmarks of Bergen Dutch sandstone architecture, popularly called "Dutch Colonial" and frequently seen and admired throughout northern NJ. The Steuben House still stands on its original site.phone 201-343-9492
Bergen County Historical Society
New York
Resource No. 429
Aurora Coalition, Inc.
Aurora, New York
We are an upstate New York grass-roots historic community preservation organization.email admin@aurorany.org
visit www.aurorany.org
Aurora Coalition, Inc.
North Carolina
Resource No. 431
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission
Charlotte, North Carolina
phone 704-376-9115
email dan.morrill@mecklenburgcountync.gov
visit www.cmhpf.org
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission
Dilworth Online
Resource No. 433
Elizabeth Neighborhood Community Association
Charlotte, North Carolina
Elizabeth Neighborhood Community Association
Historic Charlotte
Plaza-Midwood Association
Resource No. 438
Historic Preservation Society of Durham
Durham, North Carolina
phone 919-682-3036
email info@preservationdurham.org
visit preservationdurham.org
Historic Preservation Society of Durham
Resource No. 437
Historic Oakwood
Raleigh, North Carolina
Historic Oakwood is listed in the National Register of Historic Places and remains the only intact 19th century neighborhood in Raleigh, NC. It is a key tourist attraction and it is home to hundreds of lovingly restored Victorian, Queen Anne, Colonial and Arts & Crafts style homes.visit www.historicoakwood.org
Historic Oakwood
Resource No. 436
Preservation North Carolina
Raleigh, North Carolina
phone 919-832-3652
email info@presnc.org
visit www.presnc.org
Preservation North Carolina
Resource No. 439
Downtown Salisbury Inc.
Salisbury, North Carolina
phone 704-637-7814
Downtown Salisbury Inc.
Resource No. 442
Heritage Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
We are the statewide preservation partner with the National Trust for historic preservation here in Ohio. Heritage Ohio exists to help people to save the places that matter; build community; and live better.phone 614-258-6200
visit www.heritageohio.org
Heritage Ohio
Resource No. 444
Saline Preservation Association
Pryor, Oklahoma
Established in 2003 to promote historic preservation and restoration within the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. Current major project is the Saline National Park, a rural 14 acre park with the only remaining rural district courthouse of the Cherokee National.phone 918-640-9690
email lisamelchior@yahoo.com
visit www.salinecourthouse.net
Saline Preservation Association
Resource No. 446
Pacific Northwest Field School
Eugene, Oregon
The University of Oregon's Historic Preservation Program is an interdisciplinary program within the School of Architecture and Allied Arts. The graduate program was established in 1980, and an undergraduate minor, open to any university major upon approval, was initiated in 1987. The courses, faculty and administration are interdepartmental. The Director of the Program and the administrative committee are appointed by the Dean.phone 541-346-2089
email pnwfs@uoregon.edu
Pacific Northwest Field School
Resource No. 449
Philadelphia Society for the Preservation of Landmarks
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The Philadelphia Society for the Preservation of Landmarks inspires people to engage with history by preserving our unique historic sites and by providing related historical, educational and cultural programming.phone 215-925-2251
email JBurton@PhilaLandmarks.org
visit www.philalandmarks.org
Philadelphia Society for the Preservation of Landmarks
Resource No. 448
Young Preservationists Association of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Incorporated in 2002, the YPA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit comprised of dynamic preservation leaders throughout the region organized to ignite a new historic preservation movement in southwestern Pennsylvania.phone 412-342-8972
Young Preservationists Association of Pittsburgh
Rhode Island
Resource No. 450
Preserve Rhode Island
Providence, Rhode Island
phone 401 272 5101
visit www.preserveri.org
Preserve Rhode Island
South Carolina
Resource No. 1072
Chester County Historical Society
Chester, South Carolina
The Chester County Historical Society is dedicated to the preservation of Chester County history, and in promoting historical tourism by displaying the artifacts, and the history of, Chester County, South Carolina.phone 803-385-2332
email info@chesterschistory.org
visit www.chesterschistory.org
Chester County Historical Society
South Dakota
Resource No. 403
South Dakota State Historical Society
Pierre, South Dakota
phone 605-773-3458
South Dakota State Historical Society
Resource No. 455
Tennessee Historical Commission
Nashville, Tennessee
The Tennessee Historical Commission is the State Historic Preservation Office for Tennessee. Its mission is to protect, preserve, interpret, maintain, and administer historic places; to encourage the inclusive diverse study of Tennessee's history for the benefit of future generations; to mark important locations, persons, and events in Tennessee history; to assist in worthy publication projects; to review, comment on and identify projects that will potentially impact historic properties; to locate, identify, record, and nominate to the National Register of Historic Places all properties which meet National Register criteria, and to implement other programs of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended. The Tennessee Historical Commission is an independent state agency, attached to the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation for purposes of administration.phone 888-891-8332
Tennessee Historical Commission
Resource No. 456
Texas Historical Commission
Austin, Texas
The Texas Historical Commission (THC) is the state agency for historic preservation. We save the real places that tell the real stories of Texas.phone 512.463.6100
email thc@thc.state.tx.us
visit www.thc.state.tx.us
Texas Historical Commission
Resource No. 457
Greater Houston Preservation Alliance
Houston, Texas
Greater Houston Preservation Alliance (GHPA) promotes the preservation and appreciation of Houston's architectural and cultural historic resources through education, advocacy and committed action, thereby creating economic value, developing a stronger sense of community, and improving the quality of life for all Houstonians.phone 713-510-3990
Greater Houston Preservation Alliance
Resource No. 458
Historic Houston
Houston, Texas
Historic Houston is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit dedicated to preservation and conservation of Houston's architecture and architectural resources through research, education, and advocacy for sustainable design. Historic Houston operates a salvage warehouse open to the public to facilitate the renovation and restoration of historic structures and has moved 24 historic homes to prevent demolition.phone 713-522-0542
email info@historichouston.org
visit www.historichouston.org
Historic Houston
Resource No. 461
Utah State Historical Society
Salt Lake City, Utah
Utah State History’s mission is to preserve and share the past for a better present and future. As a state agency, we provide services, technical assistance, and information to many different businesses, industries, agencies, and individuals.phone 801-245-7225
visit history.utah.gov
Utah State Historical Society
Resource No. 463
The Preservation Trust of Vermont
Burlington, Vermont
The Preservation Trust of Vermont is a charitable, nonprofit organization founded in 1980 to initiate, stimulate and assist local and statewide efforts to preserve and use Vermont's rich collection of historic, architectural cultural and community resources.phone 802-658-6647
visit www.ptvermont.org
The Preservation Trust of Vermont
Resource No. 462
Vermont Division for Historic Preservation
Montpelier, Vermont
The Vermont Division for Historic Preservation keeps hundreds of years of history alive and vital, engaging people of all walks in Vermont’s past through collecting, preserving and discovering a shared priority and value for the human spirit that preceded us.phone 802-828-3211
visit www.historicvermont.org
Vermont Division for Historic Preservation
Resource No. 465
APVA Preservation Virginia
Richmond, Virginia
Through the Historic Property Revolving Fund, the APVA Preservation Virginia helps protect and preserve publicly significant historic properties in Virginia by using options to purchase, direct acquisition, or deed of gift to acquire threatened or endangered properties.phone 804-648-1889
email info@preservationvirginia.org
visit preservationvirginia.org
APVA Preservation Virginia
Resource No. 464
Virginia Department of Historic Resources
Richmond, Virginia
The Virginia Department of Historic Resources is the State Historic Preservation Office. Our mission is to foster, encourage, and support the stewardship of Virginia's significant historic architectural, archaeological, and cultural resources.phone 804-482-6446 or 804-367-2323
visit www.dhr.virginia.gov
Virginia Department of Historic Resources
Resource No. 466
Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation
Olympia, Washington
The Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation is Washington State's primary agency with knowledge and expertise in historic preservation. We advocate for the preservation of Washington's irreplaceable historic and cultural resources—significant buildings, structures, sites, objects, and districts—as assets for the future.phone 360-586-3065
email Allyson.Brooks@dahp.wa.gov
visit www.dahp.wa.gov
Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation
West Virginia
Resource No. 467
Preservation Alliance of West Virginia
Elkins, West Virginia
Preservation Alliance of WV is the grassroots, statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to the support and promotion of historic preservation through direct assistance, education, advocacy, and heritage tourism.phone 304-345-6005
email info@pawv.org
visit www.pawv.org
Preservation Alliance of West Virginia
Resource No. 471
The Wisconsin Historical Society
phone 608-264-6400
visit www.wisconsinhistory.org
The Wisconsin Historical Society
Resource No. 470
Watertown Historical Society
Watertown, Wisconsin
phone 920-261-2796
email whs@watertownhistory.org
visit www.watertownhistory.org
Watertown Historical Society
Resource No. 469
Alliance for Historic Wyoming
Laramie, Wyoming
The Alliance for Historic Wyoming is Wyoming's only active statewide historic preservation nonprofit. A 501(c)(3), AHW is dedicated to protecting Wyoming's historic and cultural resources in both the built and natural environments.phone 307-333-3508
email ExecDirector@HistoricWyoming.org
visit www.historicwyoming.org
Alliance for Historic Wyoming