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About Listings

Listings are the heart of OldHouses.com. Each listing refers to a single property, usually an old house, but not always. Listings are categorized by age, style, location, size and many other dimensions, and we provide many ways for you to search for them.

All listings on OldHouses.com are either active or archived. When you see lists on our site, they will be of one type or the other. We rarely show both types on the same page.

Here is the difference between them.

Active Listings

are for sale, rent, or auction, and are added by real estate agents or individual sellers for a fee.

All active listings are 'on the market,' although you will occasionally see properties that have recently sold.

If you are interested in a property in our Active database, contact the seller or agent directly. You will find contact information on the listing page.

If you don't see contact information, look for a Contact Seller link.

If there is no contact information and no Contact Seller link, you are probably looking at an archived listing.

Do You Have a House to Sell?

If you have a property on the market, and want to list it on our site, look for the Add a Listing button, and click on it. You can set up a listing within minutes. You don't pay for the listing unless and until you publish it.

Archived Listings

are not for sale, and are offered for the benefit and enjoyment of the general public.

Archived listings are generally permanent. Many have been on our site for over a decade, and we continually add more.

Many archives listings were once for sale on our site, but are no longer on the market. So, you usually won't see contact information on archive listings. You can contact us with questions about them, but by and large everything we know about the property is already visible on the listing page.

Among many thousands of listings of old houses, big and small, our archives include lots of

  • bed and breakfast inns
  • museums and public spaces
  • rentable historic event venues
  • links to blogs about old house restoration and lifestyle

All members of the general public are invited to submit their own old house listings to our Archives.

Inactive Listings

were once visible on our site, but have expired.

You can't search or browse for inactive listings on our site. You'll only encounter them when you click on an old link somewhere, typically in a really old social media post or New Listings email.

Most likely, inactive listings show houses that are no longer for sale. But we don't know what their current status is. Sometimes an agent will list a house on our site, but they won't renew the listing when it expires, even though the house is still on the market.

You can still find the listing agent's contact information on inactive listings, so if you are really interested in the property, don't hesitate to contact them.

Featured Agent
Hal McIver

Hal McIver

United Country McIver Land & Realty, LLC.


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